Schlagwort-Archive: jolla

Adblock for Jolla (SailfishOS)

Since there is no adblock for Jolla in their shop and I was pissed in some apps about too annoying ads I thought about doing an adblock app for Jolla. Long story short, I couldn’t figure out how to do an adblock app but how I could do a systemwide adblock solution via a proxy (privoxy). The bad thing is that you have to manually install that rpm and it just can be stopped via root shell (systemctl stop privoxy). On the other hand I tried to make it as independent as possible for need of user action. It searches for new adlbock lists if your Jolla is connected to WLAN and otherwise it just hangs in there and waits for it. There is no more to do than installing and sometimes being in a WLAN to get adblock lists updated.

If you want to try, go ahead: privoxy-3.0.23-1.noarch
sha256: 23ed9c50e9c88531318ed12bee68da033def73f41749e55eeceba9853c22b85c

Here the scripts for building:

How to import your SMS from Android to Jolla

I found a quite nice tutorial online that explains all the steps you have to take to do the job.
I couldn’t copy the mmssms.db database like he was doing it.
I had to change to a root shell on my android and copy it to somewhere else on the filesystem and give it other permissions to get it to my machine.
The only thing I „improved“ is the shell one liner (see below) export from the sqlite mmssms.db that marks the newlines in sms the correct way so the tool Harmattan-SMS-Boat can make its job just fine.

sqlite3 "$1" \
"select address,type,datetime(date/1000, 'unixepoch','localtime'),datetime(date/1000, 'unixepoch','localtime'),body from sms;" | \
sed -e 's;^\([^|]\+\)|1|\(.*\);\1|IN|\2;' -e 's;^\([^|]\+\)|2|\(.*\);\1|OUT|\2;' -e '/^[A-Za-z0-9+]*|[IN|OUT]/! s;^; ;' | \
sed 's/|/;/g'